Regardless of where in the world a vineyard is located, in order for the winery to produce a Burgundy, it must use varietal grapes that originated in Burgundy, France. The most effective way for a new California grower to plant a vineyard to produce Burgundy is to

Regardless of where in the world a vineyard is located, in order for the winery to produce a Burgundy, it must use varietal grapes that originated in Burgundy, France. The most effective way for a new California grower to plant a vineyard to produce Burgundy is to 

A) plant seeds obtained from French varietal Burgundy grapes.
B) transplant varietal Burgundy plants from France.
C) acquire a tissue culture of varietal Burgundy grapes from France.
D) cross French Burgundy grapes with native American grapes.
E) graft varietal Burgundy grape scions onto native (Californian) root stocks.

Answer: E

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